Spark 3.0
Attending this event?
Superior Professionals Always Relish Knowledge
Friday, August 16

8:00am EDT

Igniting the SPARK
Friday August 16, 2024 8:00am - 8:35am EDT
Let's light the match and reinvigorate ourselves for the new school year!!!
Friday August 16, 2024 8:00am - 8:35am EDT

8:40am EDT

Canva ADVANCED - Creating a Video (must have educator account prior)
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT
Session Type: Product Creation
Intended Audience: All levels of Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Administrators, Office Staff, Bookkeepers, and Student Services

With this session, we will build a video in Canva and learn how to load it into a Google Slide presentation. As we build, we’ll look into adding music, custom animation, edit tricks such as background remover, magic eraser, and filters.

Day of Success - 
  • Must have strong knowledge of Canva
  • Must bring laptop
  • Have a topic in mind to create a video

Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT

8:40am EDT

Diff between performance assessments, etc.
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT
Session Type: Product Creation
Intended Audience: All 3rd grade teachers. 6th, and 7th grade history


Kimberly Montalvo

Director of Accountability and Assessment, Poquoson City Public Schools
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT

8:40am EDT

Increasing Student Engagement with Interactive EdTech
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All levels of Teachers

Student engagement is a vital ingredient of classroom learning and academic excellence. Yet, this is also the area where many educators struggle, especially when it comes to choosing the right EdTech tool(s) for your classroom. During this session, we’ll explore strategies and ideas to better engage your students along with specific EdTech examples & tools to try. Choose from a list of sites and apps including Jamboard, PearDeck, Flipgrid, eMediaVA, and more! Take your lessons to the next level this school year with interactive [and free] EdTech tools.
avatar for Lindsey Horner

Lindsey Horner

eMediaVA Manager, WHRO Public Media
Engage and inspire your students with eMediaVA, Virginia’s premier digital media content library. Access tens of thousands of free, innovative, and SOL-aligned media and content. eMediaVA is available to all public and private schools in Virginia free of charge. Unlock the power... Read More →
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT

8:40am EDT

Universal Design for Learning: What is UDL? Is it different from Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)? (for Early Learners)
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All Levels of Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and Administrators

In this session, we will discuss what Universal Design for Learning is and is not. We will also discuss how Specially Designed Instruction is not the same as UDL. Participants will understand the salient features of each and will be able to apply what they learn in this session to planning for classroom instruction. The principles covered are not grade or subject specific. They may be applied to any content area.


Christine Peterson

William & Mary T/TAC
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT

8:40am EDT

VA Museum of History & Culture: Pocahontas & John Smith Rescue Myth
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All Teachers and applicable paraprofessionals (4th grade and above)

Participants will explore primary source evidence to understand early interactions between John Smith, Pocahontas, and the Powhatan Tribes…and try to decide if Pocahontas really saved John Smith’s life.


Maggie Creech

Director of Education, Virginia Museum of History & Culture
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT

8:40am EDT

Bus Driver Training Part 1
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT
Session Type: Training

Mandatory Bus Driver Training

Andrew Roberts

Asst Superintendent for Operations, Poquoson High School

Keeley Sullivan

Food Service-Office Clerk, Poquoson School Food Service
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT

8:40am EDT

Chronic Absenteeism (for Admin + Leadership)
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT
Session Type: Collaborative Conversation
Intended Audience: All levels of Administrators and Identified Leadership Staff


Ellen Crist

School Social Worker, PCPS

Heather Worthen

Director of Student Services, PCPS
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT

8:40am EDT

Next Level ParentSquare
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application +Training
Intended Audience: All levels of Teachers

Want less paper and easier reminders to parents to submit permission forms, etc.? Join this session to learn the features of permission forms, sign-up's, calendar invites, polls & appointments, and messaging. Remind only those who haven't responded to a post.... get easy reports... seek and organize volunteers... We promise it'll make your life easier!
avatar for Desiree Bartschi

Desiree Bartschi

Teacher- Tech Ed, Poquoson Middle School
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT

8:40am EDT

Registrar Meeting Part 1
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT
Session Type: Training
Intended Audience: School Registrars Only

We will review registration for the upcoming school year, E-Collect forms, PowerSchool end-of-year rollover, and other items as-needed.

Marian King

Data Systems Specialist, Poquoson School Board Office
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT

8:40am EDT

Advanced Tiers Reboot
Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: Advanced Tiers Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and/or Administrators

Friday August 16, 2024 8:40am - 9:30am EDT

9:30am EDT

Friday August 16, 2024 9:30am - 9:40am EDT
Beyond Compliance: this session will be an introduction or overview about Self-Determination and Secondary Transition.
Friday August 16, 2024 9:30am - 9:40am EDT

9:40am EDT

Art Vertical Alignment Conversations
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 9:55am EDT
Session Type: Collaborative Conversations
Intended Audience: All Levels of Art Teachers

Spend this time considering the year, sharing ideas + events, and discussing expectations for students and abilities as they move throughout our division.
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 9:55am EDT

9:40am EDT

Cross Curricular Writing
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application + Product Creation
Intended Audience: K-8 Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Coaches, Administrators


Dara Libby

K-5 Literacy Coach, PPS & PES
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

9:40am EDT

Math Skills Application Through Engaging Stations
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All Teachers and Paraprofessionals

Attendees will examine the components of effective and engaging math stations by taking part in and discussing several student-approved stations. Using those stations as examples, attendees will discuss how to craft successful standards-centered stations.

Jenni George

Teacher, Poquoson High School
avatar for Katie Johnson

Katie Johnson

Math Coach, PCPS
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

9:40am EDT

Nearpod Placeholder
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All levels of Teachers

Insert description here.
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

9:40am EDT

PMS Lexia Training - PART 1
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Media Center

9:40am EDT

Bus Driver Training Part 2
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Mandatory Bus Driver Training

Andrew Roberts

Asst Superintendent for Operations, Poquoson High School

Keeley Sullivan

Food Service-Office Clerk, Poquoson School Food Service
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

9:40am EDT

Registrar Meeting Part 2
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Session Type: Training
Intended Audience: School Registrars Only

We will review registration for the upcoming school year, E-Collect forms, PowerSchool end-of-year rollover, and other items as-needed.

Marian King

Data Systems Specialist, Poquoson School Board Office
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

9:40am EDT

Eligibility Worksheets
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: Mandatory for Special Education/Student Services


Heather Worthen

Director of Student Services, PCPS
avatar for Heather Hopkins

Heather Hopkins

Special Education Coordinator, PCPS
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

9:40am EDT

IRW IRL (3rd - 5th grade)
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: Reading/English, Grade 3-11

This session will walk teachers through the Understanding Scoring site to equip teachers in best understanding the Integrated Reading & Writing test for 5th and 8th grade. While the test is given at those levels, it is important for scaffolding through the grade levels to best prepare our students to be able to respond to science or social studies content. This session will begin the process of identifying different levels of writing and how to score.


Kimberly Montalvo

Director of Accountability and Assessment, Poquoson City Public Schools
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

9:40am EDT

Strategies for Dealing with Students Exhibiting Behavior in Classroom Setting
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All levels
avatar for Daria Lorio-Barsten

Daria Lorio-Barsten

Project Specialist, T/TAC William & Mary
Daria Lorio-Barsten, M.Ed., BCBA, LBA is a project specialist at the Training and Technical Assistance Center at William & Mary. She has 15 years in public education. Prior to TTAC she has previously worked in the public-school setting with experiences as special education teacher... Read More →
Friday August 16, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

10:30am EDT

Friday August 16, 2024 10:30am - 10:40am EDT
Friday August 16, 2024 10:30am - 10:40am EDT

10:40am EDT

Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All levels of Teachers and Paraprofessionals

Learn how to differentiate your Mathematics lessons to help all students have a better understanding of the material.
avatar for Katie Johnson

Katie Johnson

Math Coach, PCPS
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT

10:40am EDT

Increasing Engagement Using Student Response Strategies
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: K-5 Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Administrators


Dara Libby

K-5 Literacy Coach, PPS & PES
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT

10:40am EDT

PMS Lexia Training - PART 2
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT
Media Center

10:40am EDT

Bus Driver Training Part 3
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT
Mandatory Bus Driver Training

Andrew Roberts

Asst Superintendent for Operations, Poquoson High School

Keeley Sullivan

Food Service-Office Clerk, Poquoson School Food Service
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT

10:40am EDT

Language Live Training
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT
Session Type: Training
Intended Audience: Identified Staff Members Who Utilize Language Live + Building Admin

This session will focus on getting the year started with LANGUAGE! Live, answering your questions and addressing challenges to implementation. Learn how to better utilize the Language Live! platform. Ms. Therese Pickett will be reviewing all of the questions you asked last spring (via email). If you have more questions, please submit them via Google form https://forms.gle/oU4hfUHFPfqWnZun8
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT

10:40am EDT

Registrar Meeting Part 3
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT
Session Type: Training
Intended Audience: School Registrars Only

We will review registration for the upcoming school year, E-Collect forms, PowerSchool end-of-year rollover, and other items as-needed.

Marian King

Data Systems Specialist, Poquoson School Board Office
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT

10:40am EDT

Paraprofessionals and Teachers Working Together to Support Student Success
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT
Session Type: Training
Intended Audience: All levels of Paraprofessionals

One of the trickiest parts of working in the classroom as a paraprofessional is understanding the paraprofessionals role. What is that role? Each student’s needs determine the paraprofessional's role, whether they are academic needs, behavioral needs, communication needs, etc. In this session we will define the roles and responsibilities of paraprofessionals as well as provide you with strategies to work with your students and co teachers.

Heather Worthen

Director of Student Services, PCPS
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT

10:40am EDT

Writing a Solid & Thorough Lesson Plan
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application and Product Creation
Intended Audience: Teachers and Administrators (Mandatory for Curriculum Writers)

Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT

10:40am EDT

Wellness Matters- Fun Ways to Boost Your Social, Physical, and Mental/Emotional Health
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All levels for Everyone!

Prepare yourself to laugh, have fun with peers and get to know fellow employees better. All of the activities in this session can be done with your students. The activities that you engage in will boost your energy level, strengthen social relationships, and provide an environment where we can learn from each other.
avatar for Gloria Insley

Gloria Insley

Teacher-Physical Education, Poquoson High School
Friday August 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:30am EDT

11:30am EDT

Lunch - with food voucher given at registration
Friday August 16, 2024 11:30am - 12:45pm EDT
Lunch is on us! Pick your food truck: Get Cheesy, DD214 Smokehouse, Ortega's Street Tacos, or J Hood Smokin' Soul Food. Use the food voucher provided at registration.

Lunch Menus below!
Friday August 16, 2024 11:30am - 12:45pm EDT
Drop Off Circle by Auditeria

1:00pm EDT

PES + 2nd Grade Lexia Training - PART 1
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Media Center

1:00pm EDT

Tap Into ExactPath (for Secondary Math & English)
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: Secondary Math & English Teachers and Paraprofessionals

Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Universal Design for Learning: What is UDL? Is it different from Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)? (for Secondary Learners)
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All Levels of Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and Administrators

In this session, we will discuss what Universal Design for Learning is and is not. We will also discuss how Specially Designed Instruction is not the same as UDL. Participants will understand the salient features of each and will be able to apply what they learn in this session to planning for classroom instruction. The principles covered are not grade or subject specific. They may be applied to any content area.


Christine Peterson

William & Mary T/TAC
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

VA Museum of History & Culture: Abraham Lincoln, African Americans, and the Emancipation Proclamation
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All teachers and applicable paraprofessionals (4th grade andabove)

Participants will examine primary sources to learn about different groups involved in the Emancipation effort, as well as discuss reactions to the Emancipation Proclamation as seen in visual culture of the time period.

Maggie Creech

Director of Education, Virginia Museum of History & Culture
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Bus Driver Training Part 4
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Mandatory Bus Driver Training

Andrew Roberts

Asst Superintendent for Operations, Poquoson High School

Keeley Sullivan

Food Service-Office Clerk, Poquoson School Food Service
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Counseling Vertical Alignment & SCUTA Training
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Session Type: Collaborative Conversation
Intended Audience: All levels of School Counselors

Join us in a conversation about working together as the Poquoson School Counseling Team to ensure our students have all of the tools necessary to be productive citizens.

Facilitated by Amanda Goyne and Dr. George Cunningham

Heather Worthen

Director of Student Services, PCPS
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
PMS Counseling Conference Room

1:00pm EDT

Office Staff FAQ's
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Session Type: Training
Intended Audience: All Office Staff and Optional Administrator

Come with all of your questions for this Q&A session. Main topics should include ViewFinder/RouteFinder, RDA, and Frontline. Have more questions that 50-minute can hold? Linger afterward if you don't have another session to attend and/or make an appointment with either Mrs, Bunting, Mrs. Firth, and/or Mr. Lawrence. 

Debbie Bunting

Corodinator of Human Resources, Poquoson School Board Office

Keeley Sullivan

Food Service-Office Clerk, Poquoson School Food Service

Joseph Lawrence

Transportation Specialist, Poquoson Transportation

April Firth

Secretary-Bookkeeper, Poquoson Elementary School
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

IRW IRL (6th - 8th grade)
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: Reading/English, Grade 3-11

This session will walk teachers through the Understanding Scoring site to equip teachers in best understanding the Integrated Reading & Writing test for 5th and 8th grade. While the test is given at those levels, it is important for scaffolding through the grade levels to best prepare our students to be able to respond to science or social studies content. This session will begin the process of identifying different levels of writing and how to score.


Kimberly Montalvo

Director of Accountability and Assessment, Poquoson City Public Schools
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Understanding by Design Introductory Workshop
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Session Type: Practical Application & Product Creation
Intended Audience: Teachers and Administrators

Want to learn more about curriculum, instruction, and assessment and how they are interrelated? Join this session to learn more about the impactful approach to curriculum development using Understanding by Design.
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Media Center

1:00pm EDT

Mindfulness: Breathe for Playfulness
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All levels of Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Administrators, Office Staff, Bookkeepers, and Student Services.


Betsy Ferguson

Teacher-Sp Ed, Poquoson Middle School
Friday August 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm EDT

1:50pm EDT

Friday August 16, 2024 1:50pm - 2:00pm EDT
Friday August 16, 2024 1:50pm - 2:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Nearpod Placeholder
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All levels of Teachers

Insert description here.
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

PES + 2nd Grade Lexia Training - PART 2
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Media Center

2:00pm EDT

Utilizing Small Groups in English 6-12
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Session Structure: Practical Application
Intended Audience: 6-12 English Teachers and Paraprofessionals

avatar for Mandy Bulles

Mandy Bulles

Teacher, Poquoson High School
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

VA Museum of History & Culture: Sign of the Time
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All teachers and applicable paraprofessionals

By using history and English approaches, participants will analyze the rhetoric techniques that both pro and anti women’s suffrage groups in Virginia used on the path to the 19th amendment.


Maggie Creech

Director of Education, Virginia Museum of History & Culture
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

What’s New with World Book
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Session Type: Practical Application
Intended Audience: All levels of Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and Administrators

Staff will engage in an overview of World Book Online databases that are relevant to Poquoson School District. Staff will have the opportunity to explore individual databases and hear how they are used in the classroom to promote learning, differentiation and engagement.

Amber Peacock

Educational Consultant, World Book
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Attendance Reporting
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Session Type: Training for Assistant Principals and Attendance Secretaries
Intended Audience: All levels of Administrators and Attendance Secretaries

This session is for school assistant principals and attendance secretaries only. We will cover the processes involved with monitoring and reporting student absences. This session includes:
- Review of the PCPS absence policy
- How to use PowerSchool to track student absences.
- When and how to print attendance letters. 
- How to update unexcused absences in PowerSchool for mandatory state reporting. 


Marian King

Data Systems Specialist, Poquoson School Board Office

Ellen Crist

School Social Worker, PCPS
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Bus Driver Training Part 5
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Mandatory Bus Driver Training

Andrew Roberts

Asst Superintendent for Operations, Poquoson High School

Keeley Sullivan

Food Service-Office Clerk, Poquoson School Food Service
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Timelines & Deadlines: Getting Organized for Re-Eval's and IEP's
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Session Type: Product Creation
Intended Audience: All levels of Special Education Teachers and Student Services

Timelines & Deadlines: Getting organized for Referrals, Re-Evals, and IEP’s for the year using your 23-24 caseload roster. This is a “make and take” session where participants will leave with a road map of timelines and dates for the schools year.

Lynn Hurd

Psychologist, Poquoson Student Services

Heather Worthen

Director of Student Services, PCPS
avatar for Heather Hopkins

Heather Hopkins

Special Education Coordinator, PCPS
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
Session Type: Collaborative Conversations
Intended Audience: Upper level Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and Administrators

avatar for Morri Pace

Morri Pace

VVAAS Coordinator, Virginia Department of Education
I have been an educator for 20+ years with jobs ranging from secondary education (social studies), the Coordinator of Innovative Learning (Powhatan County), and now as the VVAAS Coordinator for the VDOE. I love to learn new things and share what I learn with others. Outside in my... Read More →
Friday August 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm EDT
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